Estudia un idioma

Hola a tod@s 👋 ¿Qué pasa?  I hope you’re all looking forward to the summer holidays and have lots of exciting plans. This will be our last blog post; I hope you’ve all enjoyed this experience as much as I have. Before I say goodbye, I want to have a little chat with you all ( … Continue reading Estudia un idioma

¡Venid conmigo a Ronda y a un pueblo blanco!

Hola a tod@s 👋🏽 ¿Qué pasa?  ¡Espero que hayáis tenido un buen fin de semana!  Thank you very much for all of your lovely comments on the last blog- I am glad that you all enjoyed the post. Hopefully, this one sparks your interest just as much as the last! This week has been very exciting … Continue reading ¡Venid conmigo a Ronda y a un pueblo blanco!